Friday, 15 July 2011

Week 7

Can you believe the competition has been going for 7 weeks now? A few plants are now over a meter tall with several more about to pass that milestone in the coming days.

Brightening up the social room

Lovely leaves

Is it possible to have too many teabags?

Several competitors have re-potted their plants to gain an extra edge. Eilidh and Louis continue to dominate the competition and are sending a clear message that they mean business with the addition of their new 3 meter support stick. The team of Iain, Rob, and Liam have made a serious move to second place after being in the middle of the pack two weeks ago. At the other end of the spectrum, Shaun’s pitiful looking plant is no longer in last place amongst the living – that dubious honour now belongs to Natalie. Tragically, however, after a spirited two weeks in which it displayed the highest specific growth rate of all plants, the top of Shaun’s plant has completely wilted and it looks as though death could be imminent. Could foul play have been involved?...:

An overnight tragedy... seems suspicious.

Also of note to competitors: you may want to move your plant away from Donald’s plant as well as Emma and Leoni’s because it looks like they have contracted some sort of nasty-looking leaf disease:

Donald, Emma, and Leoni: nasty looking (their plants, that is)

Here are the heights (in mm) as of July 15, 2011:

Adam/Gemma 640

Amy/Lyndsey 1030

Caroline 810

Donald 960

Eilidh/Louis 1230

Eliza/Vic 920

Emma/Leoni 710

Florence/Roger 1140

George/Karen 0

Iain/Rob/Liam 1180

Justyna 750

Lesley 780

Matt 700

Natalie 460

Nick 860

Rob 850

Roman 880

Shaun 600

Sunny 940

Willie 810

Zara 890

1 comment:

  1. Great but I can seen that few plants have gotten rotten. Anyways 7 weeks is good achievement, I would love to read further proceedings
